Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011

Felices Fiestas - Happy christmas Days- Frohe Feiertage

Pic: Loki

Red Tide Surfing San Diego 2011 Bioluminescence from Loghan Call on Vimeo.

A really spectacular vid......I ve seen that red tide also in Galicia!

News from Lanzarote will be listen to soon......
Bye and good waves.

Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Petición al gobierno

Un ciudadano un voto_d
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Mittwoch, 16. November 2011


Aachenerweiher Party: Köln

Bridge Köln: everyday the way to work

Mallorca: Spot secret

Montag, 31. Oktober 2011

Mallorca- suprise of an island


white sand

october dream in Mallorca

west coast

pueblecitos of the west coast

motito, perrito y cajita bananera


also nice for surf lovers: nice east cost spot thanks to Joan to see some spots and surf (-;

Dunes: nice cost for some traking

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

After all this video is like my mood

To my grandma: Love ya and fly away where you feel

Loading the player ...

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011

Pics from North Sea

Swell coming

Surf - Zas

"Surfers Paradies"- Kind of Hippie Camping

A buoy- in the camping -as a hostal room

People come with the neopren on and  the whole surf and windsurf stuff by bike

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

Girls are on fire- Surffestivals

Surf Chicas- ROXY PRO in Biarritz and FESTIVAL SURFERUCAS in Somo and LONG DAY Festival in Razo

Yeai, we have several competions for the surf girls. The and The Roxy Pro( and the festival "Surferucas"(

The roxy love riding is from the 23 th of July at the beach in Razo Galicia. It is a kind of fastival and the girls do Longboarding on street and water.
Time table:
10:00h – check-in de inscripciones Plaza: máximo 40 plazas para categoría femenina y 10 plazas para categoría masculina.
12:00 h. 14h – Longskate Session. Cortamos el tráfico durante dos horas para realizar sesiones de Freestyle, slalom, descenso, asequible para todos los niveles donde además podrás testar los nuevos cruisers de ROXY.
14.00 a 16.00 h -Barbacoa y sesión Vermout a cargo de la banda “ Me and the Bees”
16h. - 18h  – Longboard Session. Longboard freeride, el mejor estilo, las mejores maniobras, la diversión… todo puntua en esta expression sesión.
18h – Exhibición de ROXY riders y entrega de premios.
Arte sesión: customización de tablas de la mano de EME artist
20h – Comienzo festival de música Sereas e Piratas.

The other event is The Roxy Pro that take place in Biarritz fron the 11th to the 17th of July. A competion of girls surfing.

And the girl´s surf festival (most important in spain) it is calles the Surferrucas. It is the 30  of July and it is takes place at the beach of Somo in Cantabria.

Video Promo del Roxy Long Day en Razo

Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011


Longboardfestival Salinas.......
A "must" for Longboarders!

SALINAS X _ EL DILEMA from Jan Latussek on Vimeo.

This year with Alex Knost, Kassia Meador and a lot of more Longboarders(-:

More info:

Pepito Long
That was a session of Pepito a nearby spot to Salinas.

I think he is one of the best Longboarders around of Valenica!

Montag, 2. Mai 2011

Scheveningen- Surf Netherland

Scheveninngen is one of the spots in Holland that I will visit for severall times this summer-winter.
In Scheveningen you have got severall surf spots.
One is at  the right of the port harbour and the other on the north side.
Another spot is at the pier. It depends on the swell and weather conditions which one you choose. Often there is some wind. The people over there are really nice and you can see a lot of Longboarders on the peek. The last times over there were rally great. And if you want to relax a bit, with good weather you can go the dunes and loose yourself. So hope I have time this year to go .....
Scheveningen north side harbour

Some friends prepaing their boards

North side
North Side-this day really heavy waves

Walking through dunes

surf school and shop-there can you get material


The pier

nice tube

A video of Marlon Lipke in Scheveningen : Weekend Warriors Episod 3
Marlon Lipke is trying some nice spots in Europe

Soon surf about our Trip in Oporto

Dienstag, 29. März 2011

Surfing: How old could we be?!

Happy after a fine surf session in the Atlantic ocean.

after years can we do the same sport?! Or are we to old to do such fun or extrem sports.
I hope that I can do sports at an old age.

That idea came to me cause the last days I had zhe first time knee pain........

But surf with elder people would be a new comercial thing in Europe... Well in England there are

Laird Hamilton website
The time pases: Video of bellyboarding in England

Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Los Dead Drop- look after them in your city

Dead drops-what´s that??????

It is an USB-stick that you can find in a wall, or the bus stopp, traffic lights, street sign...
The idea is to exchange information or things that you think that people might be interested.(music, photos,etc)
Also if you feel free, you can put your own Dead Drop in your hometown! I think it is a brillant idea.

Here is a video how to put aa Dead drop...
Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC from aram bartholl on Vimeo.