Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

October Sessions at the Mediterranean and why I wouldn´t pay 3 € for new Tarantino film

3 surfer waiting for the waves

This week I was at the Mediterranean Coast.
I met some friends, that I haven´t seen for a long time. I was curious to know sth. about them.

But this was a weekend of planty of waves. This time I use for surfing a twin fin and it was great. I will put a photo next time of this board. We did some camping and by the way I visit my father in Denia. The weather was sooo great, sun, only some rain, 25 degrees.....The best conditions for a beach-day.

Well we finally find a Surfspot, that is merly knowen by people!!!!!! It is a with reef and so a bit dangerous.
I love the beach and especially with sun. The Mediterranen has also great days of surf.
It is a different coast to the north but also with its own pleasures.

It was a large weekend. And I enjoy it sooo much.
But I also miss Germany(-;

surfer: Pepito

Last weekend I dicided to watch the new film of Tarantino and it was in my option sooooooo bad. There were some funny parts but the rest is soooo borring and ..... Well I´m not a Tarantino fan (-; But I can´t propose it to watch this film.

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