Dienstag, 29. März 2011

Surfing: How old could we be?!

Happy after a fine surf session in the Atlantic ocean.

after years can we do the same sport?! Or are we to old to do such fun or extrem sports.
I hope that I can do sports at an old age.

That idea came to me cause the last days I had zhe first time knee pain........

But surf with elder people would be a new comercial thing in Europe... Well in England there are


Laird Hamilton website
The time pases: Video of bellyboarding in England

Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Los Dead Drop- look after them in your city

Dead drops-what´s that??????

It is an USB-stick that you can find in a wall, or the bus stopp, traffic lights, street sign...
The idea is to exchange information or things that you think that people might be interested.(music, photos,etc)
Also if you feel free, you can put your own Dead Drop in your hometown! I think it is a brillant idea.

Here is a video how to put aa Dead drop...
Dead Drops 'How to' - NYC from aram bartholl on Vimeo.

Montag, 21. März 2011

"Surfpower Mediterraneo"

That´s it you notice that the surf has arrived to the Mediterranen Sea. Nowadays you find a lot of videos about surf sessions from the region of Valencia.
The surfing is still a sport of minoritys but actually it is really trandy .......
All videos are from March 2011
Here are some videos:

Dienstag, 15. März 2011

The presentation of two announcement: a book and a event

Out now!
This is a book about Riversurfing! Yes it describes sessions from Munich to the Amazonas and Canada.
The author is Dieter Deventer. He had the idea about that book severall years ago! He is from Munich and colaborated also at the famous film "Keep surfing".
In the book shop you can get it for 29,95€.
So after a film, now we have got a wonderful book about Riversurfing!

The other interesting Event is the "MAster of the Sea".
It is a Masters in SUP, Windsurfing and Flowrider. You compete in this three categories!
I think it is a great idea! The place of the competion is in Germany, Borkum!
For more information: http://www.masterofthesea.de

Longboard in Sheveningen Beach